25 March 2010

On my design wall

I enjoyed piecing the blue paisley Double Four Patch so much... ...that I decided to make another using some larger pieces of fabric from my stash. Here are the strips that I've already sewn together and cut apart again. They're ready to go into the four-patch blocks.

As I finish sewing the individual blocks together, I put them up on my design wall so I can watch the quilt pattern forming. Have I mentioned lately how much I love this design wall?

Finally, all the blocks are sewn. This quilt pattern is so nice for me because I don't need to have a huge chunk of time available to work on it. I can use any free 10 or 15 minutes to get a bit more done. And that makes it go really fast!

This morning, I got four rows sewn together in about 20 minutes.

So, five rows to go, then it'll be time to add borders.

Sad to say, but I've already thought of another group of fabrics I have that I'd love to sew into this quilt - using all primary (bright) colors for the 16-patch block and brights on black (it's a great floral) for the 4-patch units.

Quick Note: I have been working a bit on the Midnight in the Tropics applique blocks but only at my small quilt group meetings once a week. I need to get it laid out in the family room so it's handy. Unlike the Double Four Patch, I always feel like I need an hour chunk of time when I want to work on applique.

1 comment:

Mary Johnson said...

These look so pretty although I'm a little partial to the blue one. I've been thinking of making a blue version myself.

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