13 April 2010


When planning our trip home from Mesa, we decided to stay the first night in Sedona, AZ. We'd never been there but had heard how pretty it was. The route we chose took us through through Prescott and the surrounding territory. The scenery there wasn't bad either!
It's a pretty dramatic landscape, that's for sure.
And periodically, the scenic stops coincided with getting Molly out for a potty break... and a picture, of course! She really was a very good little traveler.
It was about this time when the landscape starting taking on a more reddish hue. As you can see, cactus thrive here.
Wow. And as we got closer to Sedona, it just got more and more breaktaking.
To say the Sedona area is pretty, is pretty much an understatement. The red clay is amazing and the striations of color in the buttes were absolutely beautiful.
We took a short detour on our way into town to see some of the sites along a marked scenic route.

I love how the houses blend in with the landscape colors.

Here's the view from our hotel room. Pretty nice, eh? (Sorry, that "eh" must be a leftover from being in Canada for the Olympics!)

Next up: The Holy Cross Chapel just outside of Sedona. It's a beautiful chapel in a beautiful setting.

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