16 December 2009

Decorating for Christmas

Typically I love decorating for Christmas. But this year, I just had a difficult time getting in gear. I'm not sure what the problem was...but I just wasn't in the mood.
However. (You knew that was coming, didn't you?)
However, we were hosting the Lightning Fleet party so I had no choice. I did make the decision not to unbox and build the Christmas village...this is from last year:
It's a bit of work to decide where the mountains, houses, shops, chapel, post offices and various people go. I won't even start on what's involved with threading the cords through the "snow" so everything lights up and Santa, his sleigh and the reindeer fly. But usually, I don't mind it. Usually, I really enjoy it.
So, while I didn't do my usual stellar job of decorating (Randy would call it something else!), I did get the house decorated.
And I got the nicest compliment the night of the fleet party.
One of the wives stopped me about 2 hours into the party and asked if I used a professional to decorate for Christmas.
She said she'd been looking around in the various rooms and was surprised by the touches of Christmas she found everywhere. (And yes, I suppose that does mean I have a lot of Christmas decorations but I've been collecting and making them for...well, let's just say I've been collecting them for a few years!)
I told her that I did it all myself...then, started apologizing for not putting up the Village and the Angel collection.
She held up her hand to stop me and said she thought I'd done a wonderful job. That, in fact, she used to work as a professional decorator in Portland and was responsible for decoratoring many businesses and large estates for the holidays.
She finished by telling me that my touches of Christmas here and there, as well as the various displays looked professionally done.
It made me feel good...but also a little bad that she didn't get to see the Village! It really is pretty amazing.

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