13 May 2009

Of ponds and frogs...

We cleaned and rearranged things in the front pond a few weeks ago and discovered that we had a new resident...a small frog. Our front pond used to have fish but we moved them to the much larger backyard pond when we finished that. There's more room for them to swim around and it's in the sun for at least part of the day.
The previous owners had left a couple of small cement frogs in the yard when they moved. We've used them in various spots around the front pond over the years. When we were cleaning this year, we decided to move the bigger cement frog to the north side of the pond where he'd be in the sun. The next day when we looked out through the front window, we discovered our resident frog liked the big frog there...maybe he thinks its his mom, or a protective force. Whatever. After never seeing, only hearing him previously, we now see him sitting next to the cement frog every day.
Admit it, it's pretty cute!

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