13 January 2009

No Regrets

I've know I've said it before and I think it every time something bad happens to someone I know or love. And there was a plethora of bad things that happened to good people last week. So, now I really need to start doing it - to live my life without regrets. Too many chaotic things are happening around me to not start living life...really start living it now; not at some point in the future. I've never want to be defined by my job or my background - too many people I know define themselves that way. I don't want to reach the end of my life and be remembered as a technical writer. I don't want to realize there were opportunities available that I didn't grasp, people who needed my help but didn't get it because I was too busy, and things I wanted to do but didn't because...well, just because. I want to be defined by the activities, people and places I love. I've been very fortunate in my life. I have an amazing husband who really is my best friend. I have a family I love and for whom I'd do anything. I have tremendous friends throughout the US with whom I've shared my life. I've traveled to some of the most beautiful places in the world. I've also experienced my share of losses. I really miss my parents and my brother...every single day. Through those losses, however, I've discovered that I can use what I've learned to help others. It's my way of paying it forward. On the right, I've listed my favorite question..."What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" It's time to start really thinking about that question; and to start living with no regrets!

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