23 January 2009

Let the Good Times Roll

No, I'm not referring to JJ Walker although we did see him on David Letterman the other night...wow, he looks old. Sure glad I didn't age like he did...LOL!!! (And if you have to ask who JJ Walker is, well, never mind.)
I was looking through the pictures I'd taken while up on Shaw Island this week. I wanted a new picture for my desktop and ran across this one.
Man, I love this photo. I love the composition - the way it's off-centered and with the reflection in the foreground. I love that it looks like it's coming out of nowhere and hanging suspended in the gray.
I was very foggy that morning and why in the world Ray put me at the helm, I'll never know but there I was. (Don't look too closely - I'm not really at my best in this shot!)
It was Charli's first trip on a sailboat...she did really well. She really liked sitting up in the front with Randy. Knowing Charli, she was probably wondering when she was going to get in for a little swim.
We were on our way to Sucia Island for an overnight trip and had just rounded the northwestern point on Orcas when we saw this boat coming our way. Both guys got the cameras out and started shooting. So, while I love these shots, I can't take any credit for them...Ray and Randy shot them all. But man, I love this shot! Any wonder why it's now my desktop background?
I'm thinking maybe I should have been a pirate...is it too late to become a pirate at my age?

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