28 January 2010

Playing with the new camera

We've had our Olympus 5050 for over 6 years now and it's been a workhorse camera. It has taken thousands and thousands of pictures - everything from underwater photos of fish and coral in the topics...to wedding pictures for nieces...
to pictures of family gatherings. Yup, that's my family! My sister Jean loves it when we all wear matching things...in this case, hats!
to equipment and tooling shots for clients, to house and garden shots...
to all of the photos from the last few years in the San Juans.
It goes without saying that it's also taken more than a few shorts of Charli. Because she's so darn good-looking. And no, I am not biased.
I love that camera. It takes great macros...
but also takes great sunset shots...
and landscape shots.
But it was time to upgrade, according to Randy. So he did some research. He loves research. He lives for research. He thrives on research. It's getting him to pull the trigger and buy the researched item that sometimes proves difficult. But he did it. And we now have a new camera. I haven't played with it as much as he has but I have taken some shots. Like this picture of teeny-tiny shells down by the river.
And this shot of Randy...
This bud shot? I took about 10 of these.
I like this leaf.
I took lots of pictures of it, too.
I also practiced with some macro shots here at the house. This is one of the charms from my Italian charm bracelet. It's for our local sailing club. Those are earrings in the background. Randy's taken most of the shots, though. He'll get it all figured out; then show me how to work it. His shots are great. Like this shot of a rusty bolt (yes, down by the river).
And this picture of Mt. St. Helens.
And, of course, pictures of Charli. Because she's one good-looking lab.
And then there's this...it's one of my favorites with the new camera. I call it Two Blondes.

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