To say it's been a long time since I posted anything is probably a bit of an understatement. However, I've been busy. Really. Really busy. And when you're a contractor, being busy is a good thing. I did get a free day this last weekend to do some sewing...just for fun. It's been a while since I've had time to do fun sewing. I've looked at the Carpenter's Star pattern on the site and I wanted to make it...really wanted to make it. But there was that time issue.
Randy was back in ND visiting his folks. Which meant I was the full-time entertainment for Charli. But she finally laid down on Saturday late afternoon, and I was able to get the squares and half-square triangles cut, then sewed together on Sunday. (By the way, the lightest color in this photo is white. Actually it's white-on-white - I was shooting without the flash so it looks not-white...oops! It's better if you squint your eyes when you look at it. Really.)
Now I just have to decide on borders. I've gotten input from my sister. Now I just need to find time to get that part done!
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