A goldfish with a mouth this big is a scary thing.
19 May 2010
Flowers from the garden
04 May 2010
Margaritaville, Las Vegas
But first he made us promise that we'd give the bottles back...unopened.
The Venetian
The Bellagio
I mean, look at this.
Individual flowers made of glass. And not just a few flowers; they cover the lobby.
The flowers range in size from dinner-plate to just...well, just massive. The colors are everything in the rainbow. And then some. Even when it's dark outside, this ceiling is magnificent. The pictures don't do it justice.There was also a separate ceiling exhibit of flower umbrellas. It wasn't nearly as dramatic as the Chihuly glasswork but I could do something like this in my house. Well, except that I don't have a room as large as this lobby so I might have to resize the exhibit down to fit. I'm just not sure only having three umbrellas would have the same effect. Plus, it really wouldn't go with my current decor. Whatever that is. Still, it was nice.Then, there was the Spring exhibit - Wow. Everything in Vegas is over the top. And this exhibit was no exception.
These mushrooms are life-sized. And I mean life-sized like in the size of a giant human. The frog was about the same size as Charli. I don't think she'd like to meet this guy in the backyard when it's dark. This fountain was wonderful. It stood tall...maybe 15 feet high and water cascaded down from leaf to leaf and finally into a rock pond at the bottom.
This pot of flowers was life-sized, too. If you happen to be a giant, that is. And that dainty pink butterfly in the back? It was big enough to carry off an eagle. I won't even talk about the size of that ant in the lower left corner. Massive, I tell you. The snails were pretty neat, too. The shell is made out of rounds and rounds of roses. I wouldn't mind having some snails in my garden if they looked like this.These fighting ants were life-sized, too. Makes me wonder if there are some science fiction lovers designing the floral displays. Hmmm. This poppy was regular sized; I just shot it as a close up because I thought it was pretty. And the petals actually looked like wrinkled paper.But that Chihuly exhibit...that was amazing. If you ever get to Vegas, it's worth the stop.